Prayers on Mercy

Mercy blots out our sins.
O God in your mercy blot out my sins - Psalm 51.1
Mercy upholds.
Lord let your mercy uphold me - Psalm 94.18
Mercy makes us immovable from where Gd has planted us.
By the mercy of God I am immovable - Psalm 21.7
Mercy makes God remember us
Let the mercy of God remember me for good for grace and for greatness in Jesus name - Psalm 25.7
Mercy leads and guides us.
Father God I pray that your mercy will lead and guide me Exodus 15.13 Isaiah 49.10
Mercy chooses us.
O God in your mercy choose me. When you are considering those that you will choose for promotion, for elevation, for favor , for grace, for prosperity , for peace, to pour out your power on choose me to the glory of your name. Isaiah 14.1
Mercy preserves us.
O God in your mercy preserve me. Psalm 6
Mercy redeems
Merciful father redeem me from every action imagination thought and plan of the enemy in Jesus name Psalm 44.26
Mercy delivers
From hell - psalm 86.15
From death psalm 57.3
From the devil -Mathew 15.22
Merciful father let your mercy deliver me from sin sickness demons death and hell in Jesus name.
Mercy spares
In your mercy Lord spare me. Spear my family my church your people and my nation in Jesus name. -Nehemah 13.22
Mercy Restores
Dear God restore all that I have lost. All that the Palmer worm the caner worm and the devoured as stolen from me restore it in Jesus name.
Mercy defends
Let your mercy defend e and provide refuge for me in Jesus name. - Psalm 59.16
Mercy preserves
Let your mercy preserve me - let it preserve my going out and coming in. Let you recycle preserve my life in Jesus name -Psalm 61.7
Mercy brings us back
Father in your mercy bring me back to you. In any area where I have gone astray please bring me ack to you.-Isaah 54.7
Mercy heals
O God in your mercy heal me -Mathew 20.30, Luke 18.38-39
Mercy prospers
Merciful father in your mercy prosper me. Genesis 32.10